Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Review of WINTER AT THE DOG & DUCK by Jill Steeples


Publication Date: September 2, 2023
Feel-good Romance, Cosy,

and Women's Friendship




Ellie Browne has been wanting to scale back. Scale back from her job (check), from the pressure (check), and from what’s not important vs. what is (check check check). And with the initial assessment over, now all she needs do is take that leap of faith. (multiple checks in rapid succession!) After taking a deep breath, she does just that, leaving behind her high-powered job in London for the quaint village of Little Leyton. It’s where her parents still live, and where she’ll run her own doggie-day-care business until she gets things sorted out. But it’s here where things get complicated again. No, not because of the doggies she has to deal with. It’s more attributable to the intrusion of a scrumptious dreamboat of a man stumbling into her life and playing havoc with her heartstrings.

The above is a small taste of what you’ll be served up in WINTER AT THE DOG & DUCK by Jill Steeples. If you’re into romance, comedies and believing that dreams really can come true, she’s the author for you. There’s a sincerity in the words, and it gives life to characters that only exist on pages. If I had to describe it, I’d say she possesses some strange magical writing power that transports you from your world to one that’s kinder, gentler, warmer, and where love always wins.

 This 1st in the Dog & Duck Series keeps true to its genre. It is a feel-good romance with “cozy” heaped on thick. It will keep you curled up for hours … and loving every second of it. Will Ellie succumb to this modern day Mr. Darcy? Will the inn go under the way it’s rumored to be? Will the inn run itself? All questions are answered as clever writing keeps our interest percolating and humor is dispensed along the way.  

I had an awesome time reading WINTER AT THE DOG & DUCK and hope you do, too. There’s a seriousness embedded in Ms. Steeples’ stories … in the promises made and the exchanging of hearts. The overcoming of odds using integrity, honesty, and compassion is common in all her books. And it’s this clarity of vision that changes circumstances for the betterment of all and why I whole-heartedly cheer her characters on. So if you love romance … the meeting of a stranger by chance … the birthing of a love that grows wings you’ll love this! I highly recommend WINTER AT THE DOG & DUCK and am giving it 5 stars! Enjoy!



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